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- Written by: G.S. Strange
- Category: Fact of the Week
When Susanna Madora Salter (March 2, 1860 – March 17, 1961) was elected mayor of Argonia, Kansas, on April 4, 1887, she became the first, elected, female mayor in the United States. Susanna served her term with distinction.
Mrs. Salter lived to be 101 years old, residing in Kansas and Oklahoma.
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- Written by: G.S. Strange
- Category: Fact of the Week

Monopoly Guy
The Monopoly Guy
J.P. Morgan, (John Pierpont Morgan, 1837-1913) was the model for “Rich Uncle Pennybags”, the mascot for the historic board game Monopoly (1st U.S. edition, 1936)………. The board was modeled after the streets of Atlantic City, New Jersey.
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- Written by: G.S. Strange
- Category: Fact of the Week

Play Dough (1956)
Kutol Wallpaper Cleaner was first conceived and manufactured in Cincinnati, Ohio by Noah McVicker The putty compound removed coal soot from walls and wallpaper. When Americans switched to gas and electric heat, Kutol became a toy under the name of “Play-Doh” (1956).
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- Written by: G.S. Strange
- Category: Fact of the Week
George Bird Grinnell, editor of Forest & Stream magazine and founder of the National Audubon Society in 1886, was a student of Lucy Bakewell Audubon, wife of John James Audubon.
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- Written by: G.S. Strange
- Category: Fact of the Week
When Californians rebelled against Mexico in 1846, the insurgent flag created had a grizzly bear in a field of white as the rebellion was called the Bear Rebellion.
Adopted in 1900, the California State Flag still possess a grizzly bear, although no grizzly bears have resided in California since 1922.